Aging Gracefully

by Laurie Anne Mackay

The long term effects of life's stress, eventually show up somewhere on the body, and the face is one of the first places causing degeneration and sagging. The telltale signs are the skin begins to dry out, blotches of discoloration appear, muscles lose their tone, cheeks and jowels start to sag, and wrinkles spread and deepen. We begin to look older than our years.

Dr. Evan Perricone, is the preeminent expert on anti-aging skin care. Dr. Perricone has chosen microcurrent technology to use at his flagship store on Madison Avenue in New York City "As a dermatologist brand, we not only look for new ways to improve the skin, we also look at the importance of maintaining underlying musculature and bone structure to preserve youthful contours and smooth skin. The Ultra is unrivaled when it comes to maintaining a lifted, firm and toned face and neck" said Dr. Perricone.

Micro-Mode was designed to retard the signs of ageing, to keep the skin youthful and glowing, and to keep the facial muscles toned. Redefining Facial Equipment (Micro-Mode) uses a tiny micro current, which helps to tone, lift and re-educate the muscles back to their original position. The face has over thirty muscles that lie directly below, and are connected to the skins surface. When muscles are stimulated they either contract (shorten) or expand (lengthen).

Advantages of Microcurrent

Increase Fibroblastic Activity by up to 60%

Fibroblast cells are responsible for producing collegen in the skin. Increase Protein Synthesis by up to 73%. Musclea are largely made up of protein. By increasing protein synthesis the muscle becomes more "plumped up" and rejuvinated.

Increase Cell Permeability by up to 30 to 40%

As your body ages, cells become less permeable so various functions in the body slow down. The skin is more moisture retentive and is also re-hydrated.

It Has Beneficial Healing Effects

It helps to heal scar and blemishes and to give a wonderful glow on the skin.

It Can Be Used Around The Eye Area

With many electrical treatments, it is not possible to work close to the eye area. A big advantage with Micro-Mode is that we are able to work intensively around the eyes. This is because of the low current and the fact that there is no muscle contraction.


Clients at Laurie-Anne's Skin Care continue to benefit from the Redefining Facial and microcurrent technology. "We are excited by Dr. Perricone's choosing the Ultra micro-current system. This level of recognition is a strong confirmation of what we and our clients have always known: the Ultra micro-current system works and is has profound results" said Laurie-Anne. "We specialize in facials and offer the optimum experience for each client with full customization for each client's skin care needs. The Okanagan has world class skin care in the heart of downtown Kelowna"

Contact Laurie Anne’s Skin Care for more details or to book an appointment for these highly effective treatments


Woman with beautiful skin

A Private Oasis

Laurie-Anne's Skin Care is a private oasis located in downtown Kelowna. It has become a favorite beauty secret among women, offering the most pampered experince with the latest technology in facial treatments